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Lake Guard

Being a conscientious and responsible lifeguard at the lake at Camp Ramaquois involves a high level of commitment to the safety of all individuals at the lake. This includes constantly scanning the water to identify any potential hazards or individuals in distress, and taking quick and decisive action to address any issues that may arise.

Lifeguards at Camp Ramaquois are responsible for enforcing rules and regulations related to swimming and water safety, such as ensuring that all swimmers are wearing appropriate flotation devices.

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Job Description

  • Maintain constant surveillance of the lake area and surrounding water to ensure the safety of all swimmers
  • Identify and address any potential hazards or swimmers in distress, and take appropriate action to resolve any issues
  • Enforce rules and regulations related to swimming and water safety
  • Conduct safety drills and training sessions to ensure that all staff and campers are familiar with emergency procedures
  • Maintain the cleanliness and appearance of the lake area and equipment

American Red Cross Lifeguard Certification

Lifeguards are required to be certified by the American Red Cross. This certification program teaches individuals the skills and knowledge needed to prevent and respond to aquatic emergencies. It includes training in CPR, AED, and First Aid. Camp Ramaquois can provide this certification for those who are interested.

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